A Lifelong Formation Network for the 21st Century – Musings by John Roberto

28 Dec
Can We Learn Something about Lifelong Formation in Faith from the iPad2?

What would happen if you had to create a formation program from scratch?  What models of formation would you use to engage those you serve in learning and growth in the fundamentals and the depths of their Catholic faith? Below is one of the most recent ads for the iPad2.  Click on the link below and close your eyes: think of what is at your hands if you possessed the iPad2?

John Roberto is just one of many, including those of us in the Diocesan Department of Evangelization and Catechesis, who believe we live at a remarkable time in Christian faith formation.  Technologies and a varied amount of methodologies have an incredible potential for transforming lives and our world.  At no other time in the history of humanity has so much good content been available at the touch of a button.  The real question for most of us: how do we use it without creating more work for ourselves and given our limited budgets?

However, the realities of the situation at hand did not create paralysis in those who visioned the iPad and it shouldn’t any of us in the ministry of lifelong formation in faith.  Let’s imagine some things:

  • Creating an online faith formation center where people of all ages and generations can find high quality religious content and experiences
  • Imagine offering a wide variety of online Bible and theology courses for individual and small group adult study by selecting the best offerings on iTunes University  and then creating a blog or wiki for people to share their reflections and learning with each other and the whole church community
  • Imagine parents having access to the best knowledge for parenting through their church’s website (print, audio, video) and starting a parent wiki to share their experiences and insights
  • Imagine redesigning children’s faith formation so that children are doing projects with their parents online and then using time in class to present the projects (see for turning a classroom into a community)
  • Imagine offering versions of a Confirmation process – with online and face-to-face activities so that young people can select the content and activities most reflective of their religious and spiritual needs
  • Imagine an adult small group studying the Bible and Church using the videos from the Catholicism series from Word On Fire ministries and then sharing their reflections with the entire parish community through blog entries on the church website
  • Imagine a justice and service center where people of all ages can learn about pressing social issues, explore Biblical and Church teaching on justice, and find ways to act through local and global projects and organizations

“The amazing thing is that all of these resources and technologies exist, and that almost all children and their parents, teens, young adults, adults, and increasing numbers of adults 60+ already have the technology tools to make this possible.  It is now possible for a parish to provide faith formation for everyone, anytime, and anywhere, 24X7X365.

The question is: what is stopping you?  We want to know so that as we budget we can try to reduce these barriers as much as possible.  The diocesan budget process begins in about one month.  Let us know what is needed for you to try something that connects your parish faith formation to those who are online.  However, we don’t just want you to tell us, you need to also advocate to your parish leadership too.  Use the discussion tool below and tell us what you think.  However, before you think that you cannot imagine anything for the 21st century in lifelong formation in faith watch the video below.  Have a Happy New Year of Imagining!

John Roberto (LifelongFaith Associates) is the editor of the “Lifelong Faith Journal” and author of “Faith Formation 2020: Designing the Future of Faith Formation.”  He also works on the staff of Vibrant Faith Ministries in Minneapolis coordinating the Faith Formation Learning Exchange.


Posted by on December 28, 2011 in Catechesis, Evangelization, Technology


2 responses to “A Lifelong Formation Network for the 21st Century – Musings by John Roberto

  1. Jetty Hartsky

    December 28, 2011 at 9:03 am

    It’s true that technology is become more and more adaptable to our culture. It is a compelling question to consider. . .how do we integrate two worlds which seem so divergent, and is it something we’d like to do?

    • therichsoil

      December 28, 2011 at 5:43 pm

      The way I am thinking , perhaps it is how we encounter these two worlds that would give us a clue on the “next best step” for us in both technology/social networking and how we form people in faith? For example, asking those we serve on how they want their formation delivered has been a real eye-opener. That step has lead me to creating this blog. Now we’ll see what the “next best step” is. Thanks for the comment.


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